Sunday, October 5, 2014


Ebola is a popular topic being brought up in the news just about every single day. Ebola has recently hit the United States in Texas and could very easily spread across the entire country. A lot of mixed messages and facts have been put out there about Ebola. What is Ebola? Ebola is virus that is transmitted from animals to the human population. The death rate of Ebola is pretty high so if you get Ebola you might not ever recover. Of course early detection helps the patient get better before they have the full blown virus. At this point, there is no known or definite cure for Ebola. The most current outbreak of Ebola is happening in West Africa where this area of disease has had more cases and deaths from Ebola then all other outbreaks put together since it's start in 1976. Ebola is contracted through bodily fluids like blood and materials that have been contaminated with those fluids. You have to be experiencing the symptoms of Ebola to actually spread the virus. Some symptoms don't show for 2-21 days after exposure to the virus although the average is 8 to 10 days. The signs of Ebola are a high fever, muscle weakness, vomiting, and diarrhea. Ebola was officially confirmed to be in the United States earlier this week on Tuesday. A man traveling from West Africa to Texas showed signs of Ebola 5 days after he got to Texas. The CDC is now monitoring everybody he has had come in contact with that may develop Ebola. Since Ebola has been in the media so often lately, it's been getting a lot of negative attention. Some people who don't know that it's not exactly as easy to get as the common cold, are taking things to the extreme. Others are making jokes about Ebola and some still don't know if Ebola is a virus or a person... Hopefully Ebola can be stopped and prevented before it spreads across the country or other countries. I'm sure the CDC and hospitals are doing the best they can to treat and prevent patients. It's a serious issue but I feel like it's been overexposed to the media at this point, reporting on everything that happens with anybody involved in the case here in Texas. (383) Sources:

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